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The Ocean's Journey: From Beauty to Devastation and Back Again

fish swimming
cute crab waves

The ocean is vast and bountiful, full of life, critters and creatures.

cute crab ocean waves

However, with the advancement of industry and technology, large corporations have used the once beautiful ocean as a quick and easy way to dump waste.

big boat small boat
nasty green pollution nasty green pollution
trash bag trash thing
fish swimming dead fish stranded fish
ocean image-container__waves

As the pollution continues, the ocean becomes uninhabitable for the sea creatures. Some die while others leave.

small boat
nasty green pollution nasty green pollution
trash bag trash cup
fish swimming dead fish stranded fish
guy cleaning the beach ocean waves

Noticing the poor state of the ocean, some people start working to combat the pollution.

fish swimming
cute crab ocean waves

This, in turn inspires others to help.

ocean waves

The damage to the ocean has been severe and we can't fully restore it to how it was, but through hard work and determination we can get it to a much better state than it currently is in.